• Providence Province

  • Providence Shrine

    Providence shine is located in the campus of Sion Centre in Kuttur in Thrissur.

  • Priestly formation

    Fr. Nelson

  • Priestly formation

    Fr. Jiswin

  • Pilgrims after the Covenant celebration

  • Novices after their retreat

  • Schoenstatt Punjab Mission

    We are in Punjab.

Winners from SLA

Faith formation

Let us glow like brands of fire and joyfully go forth to the nations, giving witness to redemption and jubilantly leading all people to the Triune God

Let me become fruitful for Schoenstatt and let my life became a creative Yes for everything you have planned in kindness for the salvation of souls through Schoenstatt.

How often in world history have not small and insignificant beginnings been the source of great and greatest accomplishments? Why could that not also hold true in our case?

“Giving Thanks should really be the fundamental accent of our Soul”

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