The Pilgrim Mother – MTA The Pilgrim Mother campaign is a wonder in the world. About two million people receive the MTA picture monthly. Using a typical instance that is close to us, the picture has got to more than 50000 people in Johannesburg, South Africa, showering blessings and graces through conversion of souls and bringing people back to the church. We region of providence who carry the vision and mission of our founder can not rest until we bring our Mother to our people. What is our Mother’s longing? She wants to be part of our different families; she wishes to make her dwelling in our homes. When we have invited our Mother to dwell in our midst in the Shrine, she thereafter desires to visit our families and homes. The aim of Marian Family is to live in the spirit of Nazareth Family. In the Nazareth family the position of father and mother is foreseen by God. God want us to respect the father in the family like St.Joseph. And the focal point of Nazareth family is the ‘child’. Parents are responsible for his spiritual, psychological, social, physical, intellectual and emotional growth. Our founder says: Our Families should become a watershed (source of energy) for all our efforts. Schoenstatt is a place of grace where all can draw grace and where all gladly return time and when they are tired. Parental formation is important in the Marian Family. The joyful family is where the mother takes children to father, and here the father is the head of the family and the mother is the heart of the family. Thus through regular prayer services meetings, social services, family visits and carrying the MTA picture to the family groups we extend our service to all and welcome them to join us to form a Nazareth family.

“Feast Day Celebrations at Aloor Shrine”

“Covenant Day Celebration & 10th Anniversary of Shrine at Kuttur”

Covenant day celebrations at Madappurachal

25th Jubliee Celebreation of Schoenstatt Movement in Keral

Mariadhood-Jan 2021

Schoenstatt Family group meeting in Aloor

Pilgrimage to Providence Shrine, Kuttur